Landfill Gas

Crankcase Ventilation for Landfill Gas to Energy: Jenbacher Engines

A landfill gas to energy facility had ten enclosure mounted J420GS engines. These engines are powered by landfill gas and used to generate electricity. The site was experiencing inter-cooler issues and other engine challenges.
The existing crankcase ventilation filter routed the crankcase blow-by back into the turbo where bypass and carryover were being seen.They wanted to eliminate and isolate the crankcase ventilation system and vent to atmosphere.


Sulfur Removal in Landfill Gas Stream

A landfill owner in the Southeastern United States needed to remove elemental sulfur from a large landfill gas stream. Along with capturing the sulfur, the elements would handle a large flow rate while maintaining a low differential pressure. The removal of the sulfur would help to protect a newly installed chiller. The gas would then be fed to a turbine to generate electrical power.

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