The Challenge
A power plant on the island of Kauai has an install base of 4 Wartsila TM620 diesel engines. Their previous crankcase filters were static and simply acted as a rough baffle for the oily vented crankcase emissions. The result was visible emissions into the atmosphere and condensing oil on the side of their building and on the ground. These engines ideally operate under slight positive pressure, and the operator asked Solberg to maintain this natural pressure while eliminating the visible emissions. Their retrofit project was spurred by the U.S. EPA RICE NESHAP emissions standards. RICE NESHAP requires the addition of a crankcase ventilation system for most diesel engines over 500HP.
The Solution
Solberg determined the size and type of unit that would be needed to meet the operator’s requirements. Solberg accomplished this by including a re‐circulation piping configuration to continuously maintain the natural crankcase pressure while capturing the oily emissions. This type of system is self‐balancing, does not add any additional pressure or vacuum, and does not require any adjustments. All four engines were retrofit in 2012.
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