The Equipment
Atlas Copco Oil Sealed Screw Pump (730 m3/hr)
The Challenge
The customer’s end user used vacuum in their application process to keep packets open while filling them with porridge oats. They quickly discovered a need to install a filtration system due to fine powders entering the air stream and reaching their vacuum pump. They also wanted to increase maintenance intervals and requested a self-cleaning feature.
The Solution
Solberg supplied RST Reverse Pulse Vacuum Filter assemblies to optimize the vacuum pump system. Its clear polycarbonate collection bucket allowed the end user to complete a simple visual inspection of collected contaminants.
The pulse feature offered by the Solberg RST assembly helped achieve a long filter element lifespan and kept pressure drop within an acceptable limit for the vacuum pump system. The fine powders were also captured, ensuring the vacuum pump remained free of unwanted debris.
The Products
Solberg’s RST Series reverse pulse industrial filter is designed for extreme dust load applications. Like a reverse pulse style bag house, this heavy-duty vacuum pump filter incorporates split-second bursts of pressurized air to create powerful shock waves that clean the filter element. Quick pulses cause particulate accumulated on the filter element to release and collect in the drop-out area of the filter housing. Pulses can be repeated as required and occur “in-process” because the split-second air bursts have minimal effect on system pressure.
Solberg Products Provided