Statement of Ethical & Sustainable Sourcing

This Ethical Sourcing statement applies to Solberg Manufacturing, Inc. and all of its direct and indirect subsidiaries. Solberg Manufacturing, Inc. supports the global fight against labor abuse in supply chains and supply chain transparency. Our commitments are aligned to the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015. We believe modern slavery is also wholly incompatible with our ethics and the general standards of integrity expected of all of our employees. As such, we have a zero-tolerance position towards slavery and human trafficking in all forms.

Solberg Manufacturing is committed to understanding the health, safety, environmental, labor, and human rights issues associated with our supply chains.

“Supplier” refers to an individual or entity that supplies goods or performs services for, or on behalf of Solberg Manufacturing, including vendors, contractors, consultants, agents, brokers, intermediaries, introducers, agents, and other third parties.


Policy and Practice

Solberg Manufacturing, Inc.’s policy is to purchase goods and services that:

  • Are produced and delivered under conditions that uphold fundamental human rights;
  • Do not involve the abuse or exploitation of any persons;
  • Are grown, produced, manufactured and sold in accordance with the applicable laws;
  • Minimize adverse impacts on the environment


We expect our suppliers to ensure:

  • Local laws are respected
  • Employment is freely chosen
  • Child labor shall not be used
  • Illegal labor shall not be used
  • Appropriate wages are paid
  • Working hours are not excessive
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic
  • No discrimination is practiced
  • No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
  • Businesses operate ethically


Solberg Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to assess a Supplier’s ability to provide ethically sourced materials, require a corporate social responsibility compliance assessment, and collaborate with the Supplier to remediate any non-compliances in a timely manner to the extent commercially reasonable.

Any additional information regarding Solberg Manufacturing, Inc.’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability are available on our Commitment to Sustainability page, or by contacting Travis Solberg, Environmental and Sustainability Steward.

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